lunes, 7 de enero de 2013

                      NAVAJO PRINT

The weather is still cold,but while we are still wearing scarfs and gloves,we are already thinking in take a break and spend ourfree ime in a nice resort and wear the new colorful than twins better with the sun,the sea and waves.
The trend we are talking about today you have already seein it in the High Street during the winter, and for sure you will see it during the summer,
Is becoming like a mini trend with a new colorful and a few of fluor!!! but witout lose te essence.
With its bold graphic form and vibrant hues,this traditional pattern is sure to brighten up in your wardrobe.
these detail make appearance in the accessories that becoming esentials.Also,you can wear the trend in differents styles,I show you how!!

El tiempo es frío todavía,y mientras seguimos poniéndonos los guantes y la bufanda,ya estamos pensando en cogernos un merecido descanso y pasar nuestro tiempo libre en un estupendo resort y cálido lugar y llevar el colorido que mejor combine con el sol,el mar y las olas.
La tendencia de la que estamos hablando hoy (el print navajo), ya la has visto este invierno en el High Street,y seguro la seguras viendo durante el verano.
Sin perder su esencia aparecerá ofreciéndonos un nuevo colorido e invadiendo accesorios que harán que los detalles mas pequeños lleguen a ser los mas importantes.
Ademas podemos llevar esta tendencia vistiendo diferentes estilos, de ahí su versatilidad; te mostrare como!!


Shenique wears a white blouse with navajo print,grey skinny trousers,necklace and coat with fur in the collar from Pull and Bear.

Shenique lleva una blusa blanca con navajo print, pantalón gris de pana fina,original collar y abrigo con pelo en el cuello,todo de Pull and Bear.


I wear a sweater from Pull and Bear,a hat and gloves from H&M,a scarf and sack fromTop Shop, a fur waistcoat from Berskha,a denim trousers from Zara and boots from Kiboots.

Yo llevo un jersey de Pull and Bear,bufanda de Top Shop,gorro y guantes de H&M, pantalón vaquero de Zara ,chaleco de pelo de Beskha,y botas de Kiboots.

The navajo print was born in the native American Tribes,where strong geometric patterns work together with thick yarns and used for coats and blankets.
The print are making way into the knitwear,sweaters or denim shirts.
Pair your printed garment with textures such as washed out denim and suede,to keep an outfit more relaxed.

El print navajo nace en las tribus nativas de America,donde estos fuertes estampados eran utilizados como abrigos y mantas para paliar el frío.
En la actualidad este print se abre camino en el knitwear,en jerseys y cardigans,en lanas y tejidos acrílicos e incluso en el denim.
Combina tus prendas estampadas con otras vaqueras lavadas o e ante,para mantener un look mas relajado y menos forzado.


Shenique wears a black t-shirt embellished on the shoulders,mini skirt with navajo print,a biker jacket and wedges from Pull and Bear.
The neacklace is from Zara and the red bag from Top Shop.

I wear a leather jackect with studs from Zara,a t-shirt with holes from IRO,a pair of leggings with navajo print and necklace from Miss Selfridge,a pair of gloves and a bag fron Top Shop,a wedges from Office and head band from Accessorize.
Yo llevo una cazadora de piel con tachuelas de Zara,camiseta de Iro,leggings y gargantilla de Miss Seldfridge,guantes y bolso de mano de Top Shop y cuñas de Office.

This look was shown on the runways by designers like Proenza Schouler and Isabel Marant,who satisfied our need to look cool,polished and a little tribal.
One of my advices: would be used a natural hair and make up and make a original manicure!!!

Este look se vio ya en las pasarelas que mostraban las tendencias del verano pasado,y diseñadores como Proenza o Isabel Marant cubrieron nuestra necesidad de lucir cool y un poco tribal.
Un pequeño consejo: pelo y maquillaje natural y experimenta con tus uñas!!!

See you soon!!! enjoy!!!

PHOTOGRAPS BY: Tonio Figueira Losada


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